Clinical and Community Nurse Specialists
Clincal Nurse Specialists offer the following services.
• Newly Diagnosed patients’ clinic
• Transfer of Care (from other Clinics, or Abroad)
• Routine Annual Visits and Routine Asymptomatic Sexual Screening
• Compliance Support with medication: Starting and Switching treatment
• In-house Referrals for: Psychosocial Support, Drug, Alcohol, Chemsex and Contraception
• In-house Specialist Referral for Pregnancy Care
• Family and partner awareness
• Hepatitis B vaccination
To access the Clinical Nurse Specialist team please speak to reception at the front desk or call 0208 401 3648.
Community Nurse Specialists offer the following services.
GP, IAPT for Counselling, Occupational health, Physiotherapist, Speech and Language, Social Services. Housing, Immigration Community Voluntary Support Worker, Metro Support and Counselling, THT Food Chain and Voluntary Food Charities, Community Dietitian, Turning Point for Drugs & Alcohol Support, Sexual Abuse Support, Domestic Violence Support, Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults, and other external Agencies supporting clients and families who are affected and infected with HIV.
• Advice on conception, reproductive and sexual health including cervical screening.
• Support Pregnant women pre and post-natal including following up babies’ blood tests and clinic appointments .Supply babies’ milk to mothers with no Recourse to Public Funds or on low income. Arrange HIV testing for children.
• Emotional support: Lonely and socially isolated, support to coming to terms with diagnosis, help to manage complex needs at home to prevent regular hospital admissions
• Adherence : Medication management at home, monitoring side effects , support for clients starting, changing, stopped or restarting treatment. Education advice on diagnosis, treatment and well-being. Advice on healthy eating, smoking sensation and exercise
• Support for young people who are transitioning to adult care services with medication and engaging in care.
To access the Community Nurse: Ask for Henrietta Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Heath Clinic or call 0208 401 3648.